Talent Audition form Leave this field blank Name Address Email Address Phone Number Do you have any modeling experience? Yes No If yes, how many years experience? Do you have any acting experience? Yes No If yes, how many years experience? Which modeling style do you prefer? Fashion Boudoir Nude Semi-Nude Implied Other None Tell us about yourself and why you would be an asset to one of our productions. Describe yourself in three words What's your availability? Are you willing to work on a volunteer basis? Yes No Are you willing to work for deferred payment? Payment based on back end sales from streaming sites. Yes No Are you willing to travel? Yes No If so how far? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Do you smoke Cannabis? Yes No Please upload 4-5 photos of yourself Choose file Uploading… (0%) Browse A file with this name has already been uploaded. This file type isn’t allowed. This file size is too big. Send